Super Bowl 2023 Gatorade Color Odds

Super Bowl 2023

The Super Bowl is the biggest sporting event in the world, and the betting fever that takes over each year only adds to the excitement. With millions of viewers watching across North America and around the globe, countless bets are made before, during, and after the game. Everyone, from casual fans to severe gamblers, gets caught up in this annual tradition of wagering on who will win or lose. 

No matter how much money is bet during a single game, it pales compared to what’s wagered for an entire season-long competition like football. But when it comes to a single day where billions of dollars are at stake, nothing compares to Super Bowl Sunday. The popularity of gambling on this grand finale is so widespread that even non-fans can often be found placing bets on teams they don’t follow all year long.

Super Bowl Betting Markets

From experienced bettors to casual fans who want a little extra excitement, plenty of betting markets are available to satisfy everyone looking to partake in some wagering on this historic day.

From point spreads and money lines to prop bets and futures, many different types of bets are available for Super Bowl Sunday. Point spread betting allows you to bet on which team will win by how much, while money line bets let you wager on which team will win or lose. Prop bets lets you get creative with your picks – like who will score the first touchdown or what color Gatorade will be dumped over the winning coach’s head?

And it is about this last prop bet that we want to tell you about since the oddsmakers have released the odds for the Gatorade color options that can shower the winning coach of Super Bowl LVII.

Super Bowl 2023 Gatorade Color Odds

Gatorade blue has been the favorite color all four years, having drenched the winning trainer three times in that span. Sean McVay of the Los Angeles Rams received Gatadore Blue last year.

What do the odds say?

Orange +200

Yellow/Lime/Green +350

Blue +400

Clear/Water +400

Network +850

Purple +1000

Although blue has dominated in the last four years, orange is the favorite this year since it is the most popular color for Super Bowl-winning showers.

The key to making the right bet

Betting on the color of the Super Bowl-winning Gatorade shower may seem like a bet that can’t be strategized, but if you know the teams involved and their respective colors, you stand to gain an edge. The Gatorade shower has been a celebratory staple of professional football since 1985, when New York Giants players doused head coach Bill Parcells with orange liquid. Since then, each victor has enjoyed a postgame shower in their team’s designated color. 

Betting markets for all tastes

The betting world is exciting and diverse. VIP Sportsbook has a wide range of markets available for all tastes. Every day, you can find something new and exciting, from football to horse racing, virtual sports to Esports. Our comprehensive selection of markets means that no matter your preference or budget, there’s always something for you. With our easy-to-navigate website and secure payment system, it’s never been easier to place bets on the markets that interest you the most. We even offer exclusive promotions such as enhanced odds on select sports events and free bets and bonuses so you can get more out of your betting experience.

Whether a small wager or a larger bet with bigger stakes, at VIP Sportsbook, we have the market for you; just one click away!

If you’re looking to place your bets on the upcoming Super Bowl, then you’re lucky because our call center is here to help you. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are available 24/7 to assist you with your betting needs. We provide an easy-to-use interface that makes placing bets quick and hassle-free. All bets can be placed from the comfort of your home or office, saving time and money. 

Our team is dedicated to helping ensure that all our customers have a pleasant experience when placing their bets. We pride ourselves on offering an efficient service so that customers can get the best possible odds on the games they want to bet on. And with our competitive rates, it’s no wonder why so many people choose us as their go-to source for sports betting advice.


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